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Rock in Sand

Therapeutic Approaches

Art therapy

"If we want to make meaning, we need to make art. As long as we’re creating, we’re cultivating meaning."

                               – Brene Brown

Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy?

Art Therapy combines visual art and psychotherapy.  Art Therapists are trained in counselling and can incorporate the use of visual art materials into therapy sessions for the purpose of assessment, self-expression, resolving personal conflicts, and/or encouraging communication.  Drawing, painting, collage, and sculpting materials are available during sessions.  Art-based therapy interventions are tailored to each individual's specific needs.


Art Therapy can benefit people of all ages - children, teens, adults, and seniors.  Art therapy can be helpful for depression, anxiety, self-awareness, trauma recovery, grief/loss, and more!  Previous art experience is unnecessary as the focus is on self-expression and communication through the art, not artistic ability.   An Art Therapy session typically begins with a brief discussion, is then followed by an art-based intervention, and concludes with exploring the meaning of the art created.

What Are the Benefits of Art Therapy?

  • Engages the whole brain in healing - upper (thinking), middle (feeling), lower (survival), right (nonverbal) and left (verbal);

  • Enables clients to become active participants in their healing journey;

  • Allows for feelings and thoughts to be projected into a visual form where they can be more easily tolerated, explored, and integrated; 

  • Generates a bridge between internal and external worlds;

  • Multi-sensory aspects of art-making provide a means of accessing areas of the brain where trauma is stored;

  • Encourages both verbal and non-verbal communication;

  • Enhances self-esteem when art materials are controlled and manipulated;

  • Promotes self-awareness and identity exploration;

  • Helps with emotional self-regulation by soothing the nervous system and enhancing relaxation;

  • Improves problem-solving abilities when making decisions about the materials, colours and materials used;

  • Promotes hand-eye coordination as well as fine & gross motor skills;

  • Creating art together builds connections and interpersonal skills;

  • Encourages participants to imagine new possibilities for the future;

  • Creating art is fun!

Play Therapy

Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child’s soul.
                             – Friedrich Froebel

Play therapy

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is typically used with children ages 2-12.  Through play, children communicate thoughts and feelings using symbols and metaphors to make sense of past experiences, work through current circumstances, and try out solutions for the future.  As the child interacts with the play materials throughout the room, the therapist tracks the child’s movements and helps the child process and make sense of their feelings and reach their treatment goals.  In essence, play therapy helps them to play out what they may otherwise find difficult to put into words.   


What Are the Benefits of Play Therapy?


  • Enhances imagination and creativity;

  • Bridges the gap between concrete experiences and abstract thoughts;

  • Is a natural form of communication for children;

  • Fosters cognitive growth and brain development;

  • Is the way children explore themselves and their environment;

  • Provides opportunities to act out conflicts;

  • Discharges energy;

  • Has a natural self-healing capacity.


A connection is the energy that exists between two people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. 

                          – Brene Brown

What is Theraplay?

Theraplay is a form of Play Therapy used with children, families and groups.  A session typically begins with a welcome song, and is then followed by a series of playful activities, songs or games that are tailored to the needs of the child or relationship.  Theraplay activities focus on the areas of structure, engagement, challenge and nurturing.  In family Theraplay, parents are actively involved in sessions.  The therapist coaches the parent on being attuned & responsive to the child's underlying needs, & the healing comes through the interactions.  By repeating the activities in the context of a relationship, the brain is challenged to form new relational patterns.



What are the Benefits of Theraplay?

Theraplay can be effective in reducing a range of social, emotional and behavioural issues in children.  Theraplay helps children regulate emotions and it can improve behaviours in those that are overactive, aggressive, oppositional, and clingy, as well as those that are withdrawn, afraid or timid.  Theraplay can be a useful approach when a child has experienced some form of major uncertainty such as multiple changes in living arrangements, a significant loss, adoption, parent’s attachment difficulties, trauma, abuse or neglect.  

Creative Expressions Art Therapy

836 3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK   S7K 2K2

Phone:  306-717-5241

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